From Prototype to production - Introduction
The transition of a product from prototype phase to mass production is a complex and critical aspect of the product commercialization process.
Managing this transition properly is essential to maintaining the budget and time constraints that are integral to every new product introduction.
Reluctance to do so may lead to failure of the project even before it has been completed, or worse, after the first products have been rolled out to market.

While such failure may "only" hurt the reputation for large corporations, the consequences for small or startup companies could be fatal.
Therefore, make sure that you have the necessary planning and resources to lead the transition to mass production effectively, while meeting the budget and time frame goals.
The following series of articles will review the five major steps of product realization from a prototype to repeatable, marketable and profitable product.
The five steps are:
Defining the product
Selecting materials and process technologies
Designing for manufacturing and designing for X
Selecting manufacturing subcontractors, or alternatively, establishing your own production capabilities.
Distributing the products to your customers
Tip: Start by asking WHY, as opposed to HOW. WHY you want to bring this product to the universe.
In the next post we will review the first step - The Product Definition